Custom Farming Services
Our services that we offer through custom farming are broad. Whether you want to hit the "easy button" and have us take care of your crops the way we would handle our own, or whether you would like to just have us help take the edge off, we are able to offer whatever it takes. Throughout the years, our custom work has evolved into many pieces. We offer tillage, planting, stone picking, custom application, combining and trucking services. Our equipment is equipped with Climate Fieldview so you can have planting, application and harvest records. Our grain cart is equipped with auto-logging scales as well if you require.
We are able to provide all inputs applied through our equipment through our relationship with our supplier.

No-Till Air Seeder
40' Air Seeder with 3 Product Air Cart. Capable of applying fertilizer with cereal seeds and planting cover crops.

High Clearance Sprayer
120' boom. 6' Clearance for corn fungicide application. Full Y Drop setup for late application of N in corn

Corn Planting
60' 24 row, 30" Planter equipped with dry fertilizer, deltaforce, row shutoffs

40' Draper heads with air reels. 12 row chopping corn head

Soybean Planting
40' planter set up for planting soybeans on 15" rows. 10' section shutoff control

40' Cultivator, 18' High Speed Disc, & 14' Disc Ripper Available